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We all know the struggle. You plan for a workout, you’re all pumped about it, and then something else comes up or you’re too tired after work. Trust me, I know this all too well. I have missed many workouts due to work. BUT…working out is so good for you! It’s not only good if you’re trying to lose weight or gain muscle, working out has so many benefits. Working out reduces the risks of diseases (especially heart disease which is a leading cause of death), improves your immune system, reduces depression/stress/anxiety, improves your mental sharpness, slows down the aging process, and helps you sleep better.

So, how do you get a good workout in? Here are 5 tips to help you out.

Workout First Thing in the Morning  

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Making your workout a top priority of your day and working out first thing in the morning is the best way to make sure you get a good workout for your day. Usually we don’t have pressing issues first thing in the morning and meetings that are rolling over and chaotic lives from 5-7AM. I know, it sounds early, but lots of people get up between the hours of 4-7 to start their days and you can, too! It might be hard at first-let me rephrase that-it will be hard at first, but you can do it! If I can do it, you can do it! This way you can just get it over with and you will have no excuses to cop out later.

Prep the Night Before

Image source annavictoria instagram
Image source annavictoria instagram

It will make your life so much easier if you prep the night before. Get your workout clothes ready; lay them close to your bed so you can get dressed as soon as you wake up. Fill up your water bottle and store it in the fridge or close by (I oddly don’t like cold water so I keep my water bottle right next to my bed and I’m ready to grab it and go in the morning!).  Get anything else ready you may need like a towel or granola bar.

Set Realistic Goals

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Image source unsplash

Setting goals will help you stay focused on your workout routines and motivate you to just stick with it. I love reading about people training for certain things and how that helps them to stick with their everyday workouts. Give yourself a realistic timeline to reach your goals. I have read and heard that it only takes 3 months to train for a half marathon. What?! One of my goals this year was to run a half marathon and I am nowhere near ready. You have to be able to adjust and have realistic expectations of yourself so you don’t just give up.

Push Yourself

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Being realistic is great, but don’t be too easy on yourself. You will be able to feel when your workouts are becoming too easy. This is good! It means you are improving, but when this happens it’s time to push yourself and make your workouts harder. My doctor tells me I should be breathing heavily for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week. You should be sweating, red in the face, and not able to talk.

Reward Yourself

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Image source unsplash

It’s so much fun to set goals because as you reach those goals you can reward yourself! Whether you need to reward yourself on little steps you make or one big accomplishment, it makes all your hard work worth it. Maybe you finally ran that half marathon- reward yourself with a night on the town: dinner, drinks, and dancing! Maybe you like to take things week by week and you want to reward yourself for working out all week (this is what works best for me); reward yourself with something special, like that new lipstick…or chocolate! Maybe you have just had a really bad couple of days, reward yourself for still getting that workout in!

Let us know what you think! How do you reward yourself for all your hard workouts?