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Have you ever silt red wine on your favourite white dress and thought you’d never be able to wear it again? Or may be you’re getting sick of seeing those annoying stains in your bathtub and kitchen that you just can’t seem to get rid of. Or maybe you’re sick of buying cleaning products that are full of chemicals that could be potentially harmful to your children or pets. Whatever your cleaning dilemma is we’ve found the answer. Here are some of of the best cleaning hacks to make your life easier and cleaner.

buzzfeed: what-are-thooosseeee: weallheartonedirection: How to get out stains using other things TO SAVE A LIFE [x]
Image Buzzfeed
The Most Efficient Way to Clean Window Blinds - One Crazy House:
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Cleaning all the appliances in your kitchen might not be your definition of fun, but a sparkling kitchen is nice to have. You can refresh your kitchen with common ingredients you probably already have in your pantry.:
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Bathroom cleaning hacks to help you make your bathroom squeaky clean!:
Image forrent
Today's graphic is will teach you some very practical ways to clean different areas of your home. AKA use baking soda to clean everything.:
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8 Guilt-Free Cleaning Products to Make at Home:
Image livestrong
clean faucet with lemon
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Essential Oils for Cleaning: deodorizing & disinfecting. PLUS: DIY Essential Oil cleaning recipes.
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